The Temple by Katia Bougchiche,

Solar & Sovereign Woman

Are you on the path to healing?
Looking for your soul mission?
Would you like to develop your gifts or understand the invisible?
Or perhaps you’re experiencing a spiritual crisis or burn-out?
Here you’ll find deep, practical guidance.

In the press

Who is Katia Bougchiche ?

Katia Bougchiche is a psychotherapist, lecturer and initiate in Amazonian and Amerindian shamanic traditions, chakras and energetics. She is a medicine woman, known as MiddayWoman, and guides people to heal and fulfil their soul path.
For over 15 years, she has been helping people to get to know themselves, to reveal their gifts and powers, and to access their inner beauty.


Published books


Courses created


Initiated persons

Katia Bougchiche

Best-selling author of Mystique, Medium and Healer.

My Best Sellers

L’éveil des Sorcières

An introduction to the feminine origins.

Femme Souveraine

Journal of inspirations and rituals

Créez une Alliance avec vos Animaux Totems

Shamanic connections and totem animals

Ma Bible des Chakras

A unique reference guide to the chakras.

Find out about my school

If you’re here, it’s not by chance… Continue your awakening by joining one of the courses at my school. Introduce yourself to ancient, sacred and esoteric knowledge. I will accompany you in your transformation and liberation, helping you to access your gifts and resources.