The Temple by Katia Bougchiche.

Unveil your inner beauty.

Welcome to my sacred space where I guide you to listen to the sound of your soul and find the keys to your destiny.

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Healing, Evolving & Flowering

Are you on a healing journey? Looking for your soul’s mission? Do you want to develop your gifts or understand what’s under the surface? Or perhaps you are experiencing a spiritual crisis, burn-out?
Here you will find profound and concrete support to help you.

Katia Bougchiche méditation

Katia Bougchiche

Best-selling author, Mystic, Medium and Healer.

Katia Bougchiche is a psychotherapist, lecturer and practitioner in Amazonian and Amerindian shamanic traditions, chakra and energy healing. She is a medicine woman, named MiddayWoman and guides people to heal and connect with their soul path.

For more than 15 years, she has been accompanying people to understand themselves, to connect with their gifts, their powers, and to access their inner beauty.  I guide you to listen to  your soul and find the keys to your destiny.


Published books


Formations created


Beings revealed

My Bests Sellers

L’éveil des Sorcières

Initiation au féminin des origines.

Femme Souveraine

Journal d’inspirations et de rituels

Créez une Alliance avec vos Animaux Totems

Connexions chamaniques et aux animaux totems

Who are these women so powerful, that they are able to change the course of destiny/life and make the moon appear or disappear?

Katia Bougchiche, Excerpt from l’Éveil des Sorcières.

Go further, get trained!

Join my online school

If you are here, it is not by chance… Continue your awakening by taking one of the training courses of my school. Initiate yourself to ancient, sacred and esoteric knowledge. I accompany you in your transformation, your liberation, to help you access your gifts and your inner resources.


Hello Katia, thank you for this training which helps me to get out of my emotional dependency patterns. I feel a lot of gratitude, because it helps me to love myself better and to love others in a more just way. I feel very moved psychically and energetically. It is really very healing. Thank you for everything ♥️

Élène S.

I am glad I took this training. It allowed me to move forward and get off my path with a difficult journey. I was able to understand my mistakes, my fears… And become friends with myself. A big thank you!

Beatrice N.

Hello Katia, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this training! It brought me a lot! Thank you for the quality of your sharing and the contents! Immense gratitude 🙏🏼🌹 ! THANK YOU


Hello Katia, during the first listening, tears ran down my cheeks… As if something was being released, it was quite a magical moment!

Audrey G.